lovers fo life :)

lovers fo life :)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Grade 12

I have been sent back to Princess Margaret Secondary School to experience what grade 12 is like. As I walk up the front stairs into the front door I am instantly sent to the authorities of the school to talk about how long i get to endure grade 12. The principal of the school, Mr. Grady has decided after one year at the school I will be "graduated" but by the time I made it to the second class of the day I thought of graduation as the day I’m free again. We have all these rules and regulations that have to be followed like being to class on time, that we have to finish all the work and assignments with no option to take a 0, and the worst of all we don’t even get free food during our breaks from class or at lunch. I have realized that the joy and happiness of being in grade 12 is really like a prison sentence. The teachers and principals are just like the police the kids are the prisoners trapped at the school in each class as a cell making sure we move from one cell to the next on time no excuses or else we are sent to deal with the most diabolical officer of them all Mrs. Richardson. Most of the prisoners obey to the rules and regulations of the prison and just do what they got to do to make it to our freedom.

Monday, January 24, 2011

the black death

the black death was an epidemic of bubonic plague during the 14th century. the term black death applie particularly to the epidemic that devasted Europe. Africa and Asia from 1346 to 1353.the black death wqas named for the black and blue spots caused by hemorrhages that swell under th skin.the disease is very fatal and has caused many deaths.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

10 things i will never do

10. eat nacho cheese from 7-11-  the nacho  cheese from 7-11 has been known to be so spicy it makes grown men cry and quiver and become tramatized for life.
9. ride an ostrich - riding a ostritch is very dangerous they can at high speeds and you may fall off and then they will peck at you because they know they are better than you.
8.believe that niel patrick harris is gay- i believe that it is impossible for niel patrick harris to be gay mostly because of the character he plays in how i met your mother i have nothing against gay people but i just cant believe he is.
7. drugs- i would never do drugs because they can be highly addictive and can ruin peoples lifes even people that are close to you can be affected
6. let a llama spit on me - i would never allow a llama to spit on me i am so pro at being a ninja i could be able to sence when they were about to spit and dodge all there spit they could be infected.
5.karate chop someone on there left collar bone- i would ne ver do this because it could kill them and i would need to go to jail for commiting such a crime
4. say mcdonalds is better than wendys - wendys is more superior than mcdonalds because its is less greasy better products and around the same amount of money
3. commit homosexual intercourse. this is an action that i could never bear the thought of doing. it absolutely makes me cringe to imagine commiting such an act of blasphemy, but thats just me. a drug dealer- even though some people can make alot of money being a drug dealer it just owuldnt be the life i would wanna live i believe my conscience would feel heavy and its would never be clean again.
1.hit a women - i could never have the balls to hit a women no matter what they may have done its just not ever going to happen.
the 2 most awesome things in the world are....... when you get the perfect ketchup to fries ratio and taking your pants off.

When you get the perfect ketchup to frie ratio you feel accomplished. The feeling of being so perfect at something can sometimes influence the persons thinking so they could think they could be a professional chef and work so hard at it and makes a succsessful buisness f you lose and for some reason it doesnt all because they had the perfect ketchup to frie ratio

taking your pants off is a refreshing feeling like the day paused for a few seconds as you get that fresh air breeze for the first time as soon as your pants hit the ground. sitting on the couch and gaming is the way to be when your pants are off you feel like there is nothing to loose so you play the best because you dont care if you lose the game and for some reason you dont lose so it prevents gamer rage we could save many lifes from gamer rage if we all just took our pants off .

Friday, January 7, 2011

spencer N why grudby is so awesome
top 3 ways to drop someone
history isnt that awesome

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

act 2 macbeth

In the second act of macbeth banquo and macbeth have a conversation when the king and everyone are asleep after the conversation macbeth sees a dagger in front of his eyes as he trys to reach for it he cant grab it. Lady macbeth goes and drugs the quards so they pass out and then macbeth has to go kill the king after the king is dead macbeth meets up with lady macbeth still holding the dagger that he was supposed to leave with the drunken guards macbeth is to scared to go back so lady macbeth mans up and smeers blood and the dagger on the guards to blame it on them.
i believe in the rest of the play macbeth will be crowned king and has to have a battle i think the new king macbeth will be killed in battle and some people will be happy about it.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

descriptive writing on some picture thats sweeet

as the crowd erupted in triumph he knew he got it from seeing everything in slow motion seeing his mouth guard fly threw the air with the mixture of sweat and spit flying with it the skin rippiling looking like it is about to peel off the canvas is ready for a thud off a 170 pound man about to hit it full force of  his dead weight face first