lovers fo life :)

lovers fo life :)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

act 2 macbeth

In the second act of macbeth banquo and macbeth have a conversation when the king and everyone are asleep after the conversation macbeth sees a dagger in front of his eyes as he trys to reach for it he cant grab it. Lady macbeth goes and drugs the quards so they pass out and then macbeth has to go kill the king after the king is dead macbeth meets up with lady macbeth still holding the dagger that he was supposed to leave with the drunken guards macbeth is to scared to go back so lady macbeth mans up and smeers blood and the dagger on the guards to blame it on them.
i believe in the rest of the play macbeth will be crowned king and has to have a battle i think the new king macbeth will be killed in battle and some people will be happy about it.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

descriptive writing on some picture thats sweeet

as the crowd erupted in triumph he knew he got it from seeing everything in slow motion seeing his mouth guard fly threw the air with the mixture of sweat and spit flying with it the skin rippiling looking like it is about to peel off the canvas is ready for a thud off a 170 pound man about to hit it full force of  his dead weight face first

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My Top 3

my top 3 consists of the top 3 infomercial people they will be determined by products how good they were and who can sell the best :)

3. Mick & Mimi -magic bullet infomercial sold many products it works most of the time and it is fun to use
2. Vince- with shamwow and slap chop both amazing products fun to use funny commercials but he did go to jail :(

and the number one seller is .....
1. Billy Mays - oxi clean amazing product worked well he yells good job R.I.P we all miss ya :(

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

superherossss jeaaaaa

my super hero is the most superior super hero of them all he is stronger than the hulk he is quicker than dash from the incredibles he can fly faster then SUPERMAN!!!!!!!
jeaaaaa suckersssss gangsta rap jeaaaa mmmmm mmm goooooddd stufff suckersssss